
Village ensoleillé du Sud de la France avec rivière

Napoleon… From the iconic road to perfume, a whole history !

In all seasons, but especially in summer, many people come to discover our beautiful region. One of the most popular access routes for motorcyclists and motorists alike is the legendary Route Napoléon. Over 300 km long, its route from Golfe-Juan to Grenoble offers a wide variety of beautiful landscapes. Part of the route follows Napoleon’s […]

Eau de parfum eau de toilette quelles différences galimard

Perfume, eau de parfum or eau de toilette : what are the differences?

What are the differences between perfume, eau de parfum or eau de toilette ?

Pour présenter nos activités - Galimard parfumeur à Grasse

The perfume extraction plants grown in Grasse: the Centifolia rose

This article is about the Centifolia rose and the perfume plants grown in Grasse