
Christmas gifts: original ideas

The sleighbells are ringing, are you listening ? The holiday season can feel like a toboggan race – time is passing by faster than the snowflakes flying by our rosy cheeks, the days seem to be shorter and the hours slide beneath us with a satisfying crunch. The Magic of Christmas is here ! With so much […]

Gamme parfums femme Si tu savais

Si tu savais…

« Si tu savais… » or If only you knew… do you think you do? To end 2023 with a bang we decided to bring back one of our most legendary vintage perfumes. Created in 2005 by our in-house perfumer, « Si tu savais… » was an immediate hit, with its audacious fragrance combination and unique bottle. […]

Article du mois se septembre sur le choix des parfums en fonction des saisons

Can perfumes be seasonal?

Which of these describes your perfume profile : The Perfume Loyalist : You’ve found your fragrance for life, a signature scent that you wear year after year, rain or shine. The Perfume Fashionista : You change your perfume like you change your clothes – and wear a different fragrance depending on the season, the activity, or your […]

Article du mois sur la lavande et le lavandin

Lavander or Lavandin?

The ultimate symbol of Provence, these rolling purple hills of flowers attract thousands of tourists from mid-June to mid-July, flocking to see the splendid natural spectacle of lavender season in France.  You’ve certainly heard of the legendary Lavender Fields, but has anyone ever mentioned Lavandin ? Funny enough, the vast crops of purple flowers on the […]

La gamme de cosmétiques : Les essentiels et Lumière

The Galimard Skincare Routine

The days are getting longer and the sun is finally shining! After a long winter and a rainy spring, your skin will need some love to recover in time for hot girl (or guy!) summer. At Galimard, we know that nature is our number one resource for the best skin care and cosmetic products, as […]

Nouvelle fragrance masculine : Quai des brumes

Quai des brumes

“The greatest decisions should be made before small bottles”. You may be thinking this quote is from a grand perfumer from his fragrance organ, but it is actually from a famous film made in 1938 ! 85 years later, during this lovely spring where the roses blossomed and we celebrated cinema in Cannes, Galimard is […]

La fleur d'oranger

Orange Blossom

Few flowers emit such an impactful fragrance as this little white blossom. Its scent ignites our memory of taste as much as our olfactory memory, as many of us have been exposed to it since childhood, especially in France. It is often used to add flavor to crepes, beignets, and pastries. It can also be […]