
Napoléon 1815 aplat fleurs

Celebrating 10 years of «Napoléon 1815»

March 2025 marks a special moment for the history of France – it marks the landing of Napoleon Bonaparte on his return from the Island of Elba in 1815. To commemorate the date, celebrations are organized in Vallauris and Golfe-Juan. Re-enactments in traditional costume, conferences, shows… the program is rich with cultural meaning and attracts […]

Fleurs de safran violettes

Saffron in perfumery

As February dawns and the winter frost begins to melt, lovely crocus flowers let us know spring is on its way. This little flower, although quite precious, cannot be used in perfumery. This is quite surprising given that its close relative, the Crocus Sativus, which blossoms only in autumn and is impossible to find in […]

Flacons essences parfum Galimard

« Si tu savais » If only you knew, why this is my name!

The recent comeback of our emblematic fragrance « Si tu savais » provides the perfect occasion to reflect on the origin of it’s naughty little name, which translated means something like: If only you knew, or, wouldn’t you like to know! But what comes first, the perfume or its name ? Our clients often ask, under the […]

Idées cadeaux de Noël G

Gift ideas for the holidays

If you listen closely, you may hear the familiar beat of reindeer hooves and the clanging of elven tools; Christmas is right around the corner! So that everyone’s stocking may be perfectly stuffed, Maison Galimard has prepared a selection of gift ideas that will wow and woo. There is something for everyone, for kids from […]

Gamme parfums femme Si tu savais

Si tu savais…

« Si tu savais… » or If only you knew… do you think you do? To end 2023 with a bang we decided to bring back one of our most legendary vintage perfumes. Created in 2005 by our in-house perfumer, « Si tu savais… » was an immediate hit, with its audacious fragrance combination and unique bottle. […]

Article du mois se septembre sur le choix des parfums en fonction des saisons

Can perfumes be seasonal?

Which of these describes your perfume profile : The Perfume Loyalist : You’ve found your fragrance for life, a signature scent that you wear year after year, rain or shine. The Perfume Fashionista : You change your perfume like you change your clothes – and wear a different fragrance depending on the season, the activity, or your […]

Article du mois sur la lavande et le lavandin

Lavander or Lavandin?

The ultimate symbol of Provence, these rolling purple hills of flowers attract thousands of tourists from mid-June to mid-July, flocking to see the splendid natural spectacle of lavender season in France.  You’ve certainly heard of the legendary Lavender Fields, but has anyone ever mentioned Lavandin ? Funny enough, the vast crops of purple flowers on the […]