Celebrating 10 years of «Napoléon 1815»
Written on 12 March 2025
March 2025 marks a special moment for the history of France – it marks the landing of Napoleon Bonaparte on his return from the Island of Elba in 1815. To commemorate the date, celebrations are organized in Vallauris and Golfe-Juan. Re-enactments in traditional costume, conferences, shows… the program is rich with cultural meaning and attracts […]
Perfume plants grown in Grasse : jasmine
Written on 6 July 2020
The jasmine grown in Grasse is called Jasmine Grandiflorum, or “large-flowered” jasmine; it has been present there since the 17th century.
Perfume, eau de parfum or eau de toilette : what are the differences?
Written on 9 June 2020
What are the differences between perfume, eau de parfum or eau de toilette ?
The perfume extraction plants grown in Grasse: the Centifolia rose
Written on 9 June 2020
This article is about the Centifolia rose and the perfume plants grown in Grasse