Vue panoramique sur le littoral méditerranéen, maisons médiévales et jardin exotique depuis le sommet du village médiéval d'Eze sur la Côte d'Azur

Eze Village

The French Riviera (known in French as the Côte d’Azur) has countless breathtaking panoramas to offer either over the hills and mountains of the hinterland or on the coastline. People come here not only to stroll through its seaside towns, but also to appreciate the authenticity of its villages, which are steeped in history and boast a delightfully picturesque architecture. Among these perfectly preserved villages, Eze is a must-see in the region.

Ideally situated between Nice and Monaco, this medieval hamlet perched on a rocky outcrop is a mecca for tourists, featuring many points of interest: flower-filled alleyways winding between stone houses, cosy little restaurants, craft stores, an exotic garden offering breathtaking views of the sparkling sea… For the adventurous ones, the so-called “Nietzsche trail”, which the philosopher walked in the late 19th century, offers a sportier adventure. This 2 km hike takes you down from the village to the seafront, but the effort is quickly rewarded as the views from above are truly unforgettable.

Eze village point de vue depuis le jardin botanique d'Eze

Eze-Village has so much to offer! Although it is far from Grasse, the perfume capital, this little gem on the Côte d’Azur also provides a unique olfactory experience! Established over 30 years ago at the entrance to the village, our Maison de Parfums Galimard offers not only a visit to its museum and boutique, but also workshops for creating personalized perfumes.

Usine-Musée Galimard Eze-village

If you are just passing through the region and your schedule does not allow you to go all the way down to Grasse, but you would love to discover the perfumer-creator profession, at Eze-Village, you can find a range of packages that will introduce you to the fascinating art of fine perfumery. Depending on your available time and budget, you can either participate in a “Pause Cologne”, a “Collection Privée” or a “Haute-Couture” workshop. 

The “Pause Cologne” workshop is a fun activity suitable for everyone. It allows you to create your own personalized Eau de Cologne in half an hour, which you can later take home as a scented souvenir to slip into your bag. This workshop is perfect for sharing a moment of discovery with the whole family.

Personnes qui créent leurs parfums lors d'un atelier création de parfum Galimard à Grasse
Atelier création de parfum Collection Privée Eze-village Galimard

The “Collection Privée” workshop takes a little longer (30 to 40 minutes) and it introduces you to the composition of a true eau de parfum using 18 fragrances divided into top, heart and base notes.

If you’re looking for an unforgettable experience and a full immersion in the world of perfumery, we recommend our “Haute Couture” workshop. Settle into our elegant Studio in front of the 126-note perfume organ and let the magic happen! Guided by our assistant perfumer, you’ll compose your own exclusive eau de parfum to suit your inspiration and taste. Participating in an “Haute Couture” workshop at Eze means enjoying an enchanting interlude in an exceptional location just a stone’s throw from metropolitan Nice and the Riviera.

Atelier création de parfum haute-Couture Eze-village Galimard

Are you tempted by these activities but do not have the time? That is no reason to miss out on perfume! In our store in Eze, ideally located and close to parking areas, you can enjoy premium products at factory-direct prices: perfumes, home fragrances, soaps, gift sets, body care items… you will be spoilt for choice as you indulge yourself and take home a fragrant souvenir of your visit to Eze Village!

See also

Flacons de parfums alignés

Nomadic workshops

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Village ensoleillé du Sud de la France avec rivière

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