
Christmas gifts: original ideas

The sleighbells are ringing, are you listening ? The holiday season can feel like a toboggan race – time is passing by faster than the snowflakes flying by our rosy cheeks, the days seem to be shorter and the hours slide beneath us with a satisfying crunch. The Magic of Christmas is here ! With so much to do, the holidays provide an exciting challenge: Our Holiday « To Do » List is getting longer, and between gift shopping and search for festive decorations, organization can become a pretty tight chimney to shimmy down!

Nothing brings friends and family together quite like the holiday season… time off at the end of the year provides a wonderful opportunity to center ourselves on what is most essential in life, to strengthen our relationships with our loved ones with our family’s unique Christmas Traditions and create happy memories to cherish for a lifetime.

Some festive elves love the excitement of last minute gift shopping in the buzz of a crowded shopping mall, the scent of hot coacoa and mulled wine in the air. For those of you that prefer a zen shopping experience, and love the idea of an authentic gift « Made in France, », we invite you to discover our Christmas Gift Idea List by Galimard, all available online. We have put together suggestions for perfumes for her, perfumes for him, and if you’re on a budget: inexpensive quality fragrances.

Looking for Christmas Gift Ideas ? To guarantee reception of your Christmas Gifts well before Christmas Eve, we recommend to start your online shopping today. Snuggle up with a tea or hot chocolate, and « take a stroll » through our website which is bursting with great gift ideas for everyone! Discover perfumes for her, perfumes for him, perfume gift sets and many other surprises to make your holidays fragrant and unforgettable.  

If you’re looking for an elegant and unique gift for her, check out our latest creation : « Ruby Chéri » : a timeless women’s perfume which is perfect for the holiday season. Perfume selection is highly personal, so we understand you might be wary of gifting perfume. In this case, a safe bet is to go for a cosmetic collection like « Lumière » or « Les Essentiels » to give the universally appreciated gift of self-care.

Gamme de parfum féminin Ruby Chéri

For him, we would recommend this fragrant after-shave gel to go along with a matching eau de parfum. There are plenty of different fragrances, so you are sure to find the right one for him!

Looking for a gift for the whole family? Discover our shower and bath collection « 1747 » ! Although this unisex perfume was one of our best sellers, we now offer it as a collection of daily care products in generous format. Shower gel, Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hand & Body Lotion… a simple yet refined gift.  

Looking for an exclusive gift for someone with refined tastes? Our « Collection Privée » Discovery Set is the obvious choice : special essences derived from the most exclusive and difficult to source primary materials is sure to impress.

Is your « nice » list very long, and so you have a lot of shopping to do, but perhaps not the budget to go with it ? Our website is full of gift ideas at reasonable prices which will allow you to stuff a multitude of stockings without depleting your own: elegant soap sets, shower gels in many different fragrances, a handbag perfume, hand cream, individual and heart shaped soaps, there’s something for everyone! And don’t forget the eaux de Cologne Galimard, available in an array of contemporary fragrances like litchi, citrus, orange blossom and verbena…

Another « zero risk gift option » to place under the tree is our ambiance fragrance: scented candles, ambiance spray or diffuser, all great gifts to be enjoyed all year long.

If you’ve checked out all these Christmas Gift Ideas, but still haven’t found the right one, then we would like to present you with the alpha and omega of original Christmas Gifts : a gift card for our  perfume creation atelier in Paris, Grasse or Eze-Village. It’s a unique and unforgettable experience, allowing your loved one to discover the fascinating world of perfumerie. It’s perfect for those who are passionate about perfume or who truly deserve a memorable Christmas gift. This exclusive present offers a first look at the incredible work of a perfumer, and with it you take home a souvenir of your very own special fragrance to cherish and share.  

We hope that among these Christmas gift suggestions you found just the right thing for your special loved one, and wish you a luminous and joyous Holiday Season filled with fragrance and delight!

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